Cars can be imported ( 2022 and above ) and Jeeps can be imported ( 2020 and above )
If 1800cc is in Jeep catagory, then duty is different. It is calculated according to ITP (Import Trade Price) Value
Duties on 2025 model less than 500 KM is much higher than normal
1800cc above engine has different duty structure and our duty calculator does not cover that
Duties on 660cc commercial pickup is higher than normal 660 cars
Custom duty structure is same for damaged and used cars
Hybrid cars have less duty than gasoline cars. Use our duty calculator to find out exact duty
Cars can be imported using three defined schemes. Gift scheme, Transfer of residence (TR) and Personal baggage
Who can import
used cars
If you are an overseas Pakistani or spent a considerable time outside Pakistan, then your are fully eligible to import used cars in Pakistan using three scheme set by Government of Pakistan. Details of all three scheme given at the bottom of this page.
How to use
custom duty calculator
You must know following to get exact custom duty
Engine cc of car
Year of manufacture of car
Type of engine like Petrol or Hybrid
Planned or exact date of shipment
USD-PKR exchange rate
Please find our exact ex-rate and change manually in our calculator
Year of registration of car / export certificate does not matter. Year of manufacture is important. You can check year of manufacture using our site
Month of production is not important so it is not given in our duty calculator
Japanese does not produce below 1200cc hybrid cars, so selection less than 1200cc with hybrid engine type, will not produce any result
Duty structure may change any time so kindly re-check latest at the time of import